Our Fertilizer Blends
Our products use fertilizer blends that include PowerRoot Seed Primer, PowerPak Granular Macro+Micronutrient Fertilizers and PowerFol Liquid Foliars.
Each is designed to be used as part of our 3 step fertility program or on their own. You can learn more about each specific product below:
Seed Treatment (Sold in 10L Jugs):
For Centuries, farmers have known the value of seaweed as part of a fertilizer blend. PowerRoot is a non -toxic kelp based concentrated seed treatment compatible with seed fungicides and herbicides that gives your crop the quick start it needs to reach its full potential.

Non-toxic water-soluble kelp based seed treatment and transplant solution
Starter Fertilizer (Sold in 2000 lb. mini-totes or bulk):
PowerPak fertilizer blend notes:
PowerPak is the pre- plant portion of the PowerRich program, and is designed to be placed safely with the seed. It contains a complete spectrum of nutrients including essential micronutrients PowerPak is availalable in different blends and custom blends, specifically designed for your soil and crop requirements.
• Less bulk • Low Salt Index = Seed Safe • Engineered to breakdown, remain available longer and extend phos uptake

Minimum recommended application rate guidelines vs conventional phos fertilizer (total lbs per acre).
Example Blends:
These are our most popular PowerPak20 ( 20-30lbs/acre) and PowerPak30 (30-40lbs/acre) blends.
PowerPak 20
PowerPak 30
Non Chloride Blends:
All PowerRich granular blends have a very low salt index, but our Non Chloride blends reduce our salt index even further and are designed to work well in soils with a pH of 8 or higher, minimizing the risk of chlorine toxicity in a plant, which can render it unable to fully absorb nutrients properly, affecting growth and development.
PowerPak 20
PowerPak 30

(1000L Totes):
PowerFol Fertilizer blend notes:
Sold as a full spectrum nutrient foliar that is specifically formulated to be applied through spray top dressing, with or without chemical. PowerFol feeds your crops in later stages and provides the nutrients for seed production. Looking for higher protein? PowerFol can provide a late season boost.
• Improved chemical uptake • Better Stand-ability • Increase protein and weight • 1000L Totes
Ready to get started?
Let us assist you in finding the right fertilizer program for your needs.